Having the right auto insurance policy will protect you if your car is damaged or destroyed by qualified events such as theft, fire or collisions. Your auto insurance policy may also provide you with protection against medical and legal expenses that are a result of injury, loss of life, or any property damage caused by an accident involving your car.
With many options available for your auto insurance policy, it is important that you choose the right fit for you. Our knowledgeable agents can assist you in determining what is best for your situation.
At the Fite Agency, we provide insurance for cars, trucks, boats and much more! The Fite Agency can insure your classic car, motorcycle, RV, motorhome, jet ski, and ATV. Contact us for more information today, and we will help you find a policy that will fit your unique needs.
Are you meeting Texas auto insurance requirements? Even in states where auto insurance isn’t required, drivers are required by law to be able to pay any for losses they cause others. Having an insurance policy is the the best way to not only comply with state requirements, but to protect yourself in the event of a disaster. In addition, to finance a vehicle, it is usually required that you have insurance which covers any damage to your car.
This includes:
Collision Insurance
Collision insurance pays for any damage caused to your vehicle due to an automobile accident, usually up to the fair market value of your car. Collision coverage also typically comes with a deductible, which is a specified amount of money that you will pay toward any repairs before your collision insurance kicks in. If you opt to pay a higher deductible, then your collision coverage will likely cost less.
Comprehensive Insurance (Other than Collision)
If your vehicle is damaged in an event other than a collision, such as if it were vandalized or stolen, comprehensive insurance will cover the damage. Flood, hurricane, theft, windshield damage and fire are also events usually covered by comprehensive car insurance. Similar to collision, comprehensive will pay up to the fair market value of your vehicle, less your deductible. Although comprehensive insurance is not legally required by any state, you will probably need it if you plan on financing your car.
Every person’s auto insurance needs are unique – talk to us today and find out how we can help you get the best policy for the best price. Curious about your insurance coverage options? Call The Fite Agency today: 469-575-6289.